If your LED isn't blinking, don't worry, proceed to the troubleshooting step to fix your problems. If it is, congratulations! You now know how to program an ATtiny13 or 13a! You can now disconnect all wires except the 5v and ground. To test to see if it worked, connect an LED (along with an appropriate resistor) between pin 3 on the ATtiny and ground as shown in the diagram and image above. Now you can upload this code to your ATtiny through your Arduino by clicking the upload button.
This ' 4' corresponds to pin 3 of the ATtiny (This can get confusing, you can reference what number in the IDE corresponds to what pin on the diagram in the 'Troubleshooting' step). In the program, change every instance of ' LED_BUILTIN' to ' 4' because our ATtiny doesn't have a built in LED.
There are a few changes we will need to make though. Navigate to Files-Examples-Basics and select Blink. You're at the homestretch! To make sure everything is working, let's upload the blink sketch to the ATtiny.